Reverse Osmosis SystemsBrackish Water RO SystemsContainerized Systems

Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plant – A Sustainable Solution for Freshwater Scarcity in Peru


As freshwater scarcity continues to be a global issue, finding sustainable solutions to provide clean water is becoming increasingly important. In Peru, a country with a high demand for freshwater, Enviromatch has designed and supplied a 320 m3/day Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System to address this challenge.

Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System Design and Features

The system consists of a 40ft. HQ container that houses various components to treat brackish water. These components include a Filter Feed/Backwash Pump skid, Pre-chlorination system, Multimedia Filter, Antiscalant system, De-chlorination system, Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System, Caustic system, Post-chlorination system, Cleaning/Flushing System, and a PLC control.

Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plant 320 m3/day Peru
Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plant

The Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System operates by using a semi-permeable membrane to filter out salts and impurities from brackish water, a mixture of seawater and freshwater. This process produces freshwater that is safe for consumption and agricultural purposes.

Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plant 320 m3/day Peru
Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plant 320 m3/day Peru

Benefits of Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System

The Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System has numerous benefits that make it a sustainable solution for freshwater scarcity. Firstly, it provides a reliable and cost-effective source of freshwater in areas where freshwater is scarce or contaminated. Additionally, the system is designed to be mobile and can be transported to different locations, making it a flexible solution that can be adapted to different environments.

Moreover, the system operates with a low environmental impact, as it does not require chemicals for treatment and consumes less energy compared to traditional treatment methods. This results in reduced carbon emissions and a lower carbon footprint.

Lastly, the Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System is easy to operate and maintain, as it is equipped with a PLC control system that monitors and manages the treatment process. This ensures consistent and high-quality water production and reduces the need for technical expertise and labor.


The Containerized Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System designed by Enviromatch is a sustainable and efficient solution to provide fresh water in areas where freshwater scarcity is a concern. With its mobile and flexible design, low environmental impact, and easy operation and maintenance, the system provides a reliable and cost-effective source of fresh water for consumption and agricultural purposes.


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