Wastewater Treatment Applications
Delivering high-quality and customized solutions for Wastewater Treatment Applications.
Enviromatch Inc. has a proven track record of designing and delivering high-quality and customized Wastewater Treatment Systems worldwide. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and deliver sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
Explore our Wastewater Treatment projects to see our capabilities in action. From municipal wastewater treatment to industrial wastewater treatment, we have the expertise to meet your unique requirements.

Saudi Arabia
2,000 m3/day [528,400 GPD]
Dammam Paper Mill Recycle Plant
Treated wastewater from a recycled paper mill is mixed with RO reject to meet feed water quality for the mill process. The system includes an automatic back washable cartridge filter, an activated carbon filter with steam sterilization, and brackish water RO unit with instrumentation, and a control panel.
2.3 m3/h [10 GPM]
Landfill Leachate Treatment
The system includes MF units, process pumps, and a cleaning system. Contaminated groundwater is treated using a clarifier and coagulation tank with alum sulfate. The clear water is then filtered using a Microfiltration (MF) unit made of titanium dioxide membranes for the final reduction of pollutants.
2.3 m3/h [10 GPM]
Metal Recovery In the Microchips Industry
A nanofiltration unit concentrates the copper for electrowinning, while a Microfiltration system recovers wastewater from the semiconductor industry. Treated water is filtered using the MF process. The system includes Cartridge Filters, Microfiltration, and Nanofiltration Units with process pumps, membranes, instrumentation, and a control panel.
2.3 m3/h [10 GPM]
Metal Recovery In the Microchips Industry
Waste from cation regeneration is collected to recover copper metals for microchip production. A nanofiltration (NF) unit is used to reconcentrate the copper, which is then collected through electrowinning. The NF unit comes complete with process pumps, membranes, instrumentation, and a control panel.
262 m3/d [69,220 GPD]
KDM High Salinity Brackish Water Treatment
Ground leachate that has undergone biological treatment is treated further using reverse osmosis (RO) technology to decrease BOD, COD, and dissolved solids. This is achieved through a high salinity brackish water reverse osmosis unit that includes pretreatment processes such as degasification, carbon filters, and chemical feed systems.
2.3 m3/h [10 GPM]
Chromium Removal for a Studio
The contaminated waste is collected in a raw water tank and treated with bisulfite solution to convert hexavalent chromium to chromate, which is then precipitated in a hopper tank. The remaining chromium is removed using RO technology, and the product is further polished using a chromium-selective ion exchange resin.
2.3 m3/h [10 GPM]
Ultrafiltration Unit (Oil-water Separation)
The Ultrafiltration (UF) unit separates oil from the process stream. Our skid-mounted UF equipment includes a collection tank, UF membranes, a membrane cleaning system, and a microprocessor-based control panel for a complete solution.
Saudi Arabia
50 m3/d [13,210 GPD]
Aramco-Bechtel Shaybah STP
This sewage treatment plant (STP) utilizes conventional equipment including sludge transfer pumps, a comminutor, a rectangular sewage treatment tank, and an air blower assembly for a complete treatment process.
75.7 m3/day [20,000 GPD]
NF Unit for Airlines Facility
Wastewater from aircraft washing undergoes treatment to remove suspended solids, BOD, COD, oil/grease, and metals to meet discharge regulations. The treatment process includes a chemical feed system, a nanofiltration system, and a cleaning system. The nanofiltration system consists of a total of 126 membranes (8 inches in diameter and 40 inches long) housed in pressure vessels with six elements per vessel.
11.4 m3/day [3,000 GPD]
RO Wastewater Treatment Custom Plant, Airlines Facility
The wastewater from aircraft wash is treated using RO technology to reduce suspended solids, BOD, COD, oil/grease, and metals to meet strict discharge limits. The system includes a chemical feed system, and reverse osmosis system with a total of 30 thin film composite (TFC) RO membranes in 5 pressure vessels (6 elements per vessel).
272.5 m3/day [72,000 GPD]
Middle East Can Company Recycle Project
Waste is collected from can manufacturing and contains emulsified oils and aluminum metals. The waste is treated with an oil-water separator, dissolved air flotation, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis units. The reverse osmosis product is reused in the manufacturing process. The rinse water used for can label printing is treated with a mixed bed ion exchanger. The entire process is designed by Crown, Cork & Seal (Chicago) to achieve zero discharge.
Oman, Markun
75 m3/day [19,815 GPD] STP
135 m3/day [35,667 GPD]
Ministry of Defense
The wastewater treatment plant uses aeration and settlement tanks, bar screens, and tertiary treatment equipment to treat sewage. The desalination system uses reverse osmosis technology and includes pre- and post-treatment equipment such as multimedia filters, chemical feed systems, an RO unit, and a membrane cleaning skid.
1,300 m3/day NF unit with second pass
BWRO [343,460 GPD]
Topkapi Boya Textile Waste Recycle Treatment
Wastewater from textile manufacturing is neutralized and then filtered using a series of bag filters with decreasing micron ratings. Nanofiltration (NF) membranes are used to reject dyes, BOD, COD, and some divalent ions. The NF product is further treated using reverse osmosis (RO) to remove excess monovalent and divalent ions, producing low TDS water for textile manufacturing. The complete system includes multi-media filters, a 147-membrane NF unit housed in 21 pressure vessels, a 49-membrane RO unit housed in 7 pressure vessels, and a membrane cleaning skid.
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