Enviromatch, a renowned water treatment company, recently supplied a high-quality Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System to a client in the USA. The system, with a capacity of 1090 m3/day, was designed and manufactured to cater to the client’s specific requirements. Enviromatch’s services included procurement, assembly, and testing, as well as spare parts supply and PLC programming of the skid-mounted system.
Let’s take a closer look at the various components of the system that Enviromatch provided to the client:

RO Booster Pump
Enviromatch installed a Reverse Osmosis (RO) booster pump to increase the water’s pressure before it entered the RO membrane. This ensured the efficient operation of the membrane and enhanced the system’s overall performance.
Five-Micron Cartridge Filter
The system also had a five-micron cartridge filter, which played a crucial role in removing impurities from the feed water before it entered the RO membrane. This ensured that the RO membrane remained free from clogging, which could affect the system’s efficiency.
RO High-Pressure Pumps
Enviromatch installed RO high-pressure pumps that created the necessary pressure required to force the water through the RO membrane. These pumps were designed to operate under high-pressure conditions, which ensured that the system performed optimally.
Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System
The Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System was the heart of the entire water treatment process. Enviromatch’s system was designed to remove dissolved solids, bacteria, and other impurities from the brackish water feed. The RO membrane was responsible for filtering out the impurities while allowing the clean water to pass through.
Pre-treatment pH Adjustment System
Enviromatch provided a pre-treatment pH adjustment system, which ensured that the feed water was at the optimum pH level for the RO membrane to operate efficiently. This system helped to prolong the life of the membrane and ensured that the system’s overall performance remained at an optimal level.
Antiscalant System
Enviromatch’s system also included an antiscalant system that helped prevent scaling and fouling of the RO membrane. The antiscalant chemicals were added to the feed water to ensure that the membrane remained clean and free from scaling and fouling, which could affect the system’s efficiency.
Post pH Adjustment System
Finally, Enviromatch’s system also included a post-pH adjustment system. This system ensured that the water leaving the RO membrane was at the optimum pH level for consumption. The post-pH adjustment system was crucial as it ensured that the treated water met the required specifications for consumption.
PLC Control
Enviromatch also provided a PLC control system for the entire water treatment process. The PLC control system was responsible for monitoring and controlling the various components of the system, which ensured that the system operated efficiently and smoothly.
Enviromatch’s Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System was designed and manufactured to cater to the client’s specific requirements. The system included various components, such as RO booster pumps, cartridge filters, high-pressure pumps, RO membranes, pH adjustment systems, antiscalant systems, and PLC controls. All these components worked together to ensure that the system operated efficiently and that the treated water met the required specifications for consumption. Enviromatch’s success story is a testament to its commitment to providing high-quality water treatment solutions to its clients.